Episode 39

I16649132_414027675601890_9075963449834813077_nmprobably, we began to notice that the longer The Jeremy Hight Show was on the Inter-Web-A-Tron, the podcast file itself began to slowly degrade over time, in a seemingly unpreventable way.  What began as a pristine and “live” performance in a remote room in Salem, Oregon was transmitted & broadcast via digital conduits and magical radios, specially prepared to listen into the happenings in this room.

While we endeavored quickly to post a record of this event, podcast listeners began to notice that each successive week, the quality of the broadcast slowly deteriorated.  You could usually hear the show, but it was like the memory of the event was fading, being erased slowly from the world, burned away like a home carelessly tended to.

So, in the event that you are having trouble finding this episode, perhaps it is some far-flung date, where the quality has dipped so low, that you’re barely sure of what you’re hearing.  We hope that you can hear this podcast before then.

– The Management.

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Week 1 (17 February 2017)
Week 2 (24 February 2017)
Week 3 (3 March 2017)
Week 4 (10 March 2017)
Week 5 (17 March 2017)
Week 6 (24 March 2017)
Week 7 (31 March 2017)
Week 8 (7 April 2017)
Week 9 (14 April 2017)
Week 10 (21 April 2017)
Week 11 (28 April 2017)
Week 12 (5 May 2017)
Week 13 (12 May 2017)
Week 14 (19 May 2017)
Week 15 (26 May 2017)
Week 16 (2 June 2017)
Week 17 (9 June 2017)
Week 18 (16 June 2017)
Week 19 (23 June 2017)
Week 20 (30 June 2017)
Week 21 (7 July 2017)
Week 22 (14 July 2017)
Week 23 (21 July 2017)
Week 24 (28 July 2017)
Week 25 (4 August 2017)
Week 26 (11 August 2017)