
You can listen to Mid-Valley Mutations in a number of ways:

1.) We are now on LIVE at 6 PM PST (9 PM EST) via Sheena’s Jungle Room on WFMU! We host a live, interactive chat at that time, too, so you can listen live, interact with others, and get insights into the selections I’ve made for the show.

3.) WFMU archives our show, with full playlists, and a record of the chat, over on their website. This includes occasions I filled in for other programs, too. While they only have a record of my shows since I joined them in 2021, this official blog also hosts all of our shows, going back to the beginning of Mid-Valley Mutations. (We’ll be digging into the archives, and trying to expand this resource, when possible.)

3.) You can subscribe to the show as a podcast in iTunes using this link: (if you search for “mid-valley mutations” in the iTunes Store under “podcasts,” it’s the only thing that comes up). The show is available shortly after we can upload them to the server. This feed only contains the last 350 episodes of the show; there are many more only available on this website.

4.) Or you can use this feed in any other podcatcher you may prefer using, and achieve the same results: Again, it only contains the last 350 episodes.

A number of other pod-cathing services seem to also have our program available, and it seems to come up here and there when you google our show. If you are having trouble finding it in your favorite means of audio consumption, let me know ( We’re working hard to be heard, as far and as wide as we can.